Sunday, 8 November 2009

Brand Differentiation - A banana story

This is a story of a banana I bought in Gold Coast Australia while I am holidaying there. Its a fruit that we commonly find in fruit stores and supermarket. Ordinary and nothing remarkable. Wait, there is more about this common fruit.

Upon closer examination, you will notice the tip of it is colored in red. It is actually red wax. All the ends of it in this bunch have been given the same red color treatment. Simply, this fruit producer has applied a sort of brand differentiation technique. To think that other fruit producers mostly brand their produce using tiny stickers or wrappers around their products, this brand of banana has taken another route to try something different and yes, remarkable.

This is a purple cow initiative in a market where products need to be presented in their natural state (fruits are foremost scrutinised for their freshness and looks) but yet seek to achieve differentiation. A challenging balance. Has your brand achieved differentation? If in doubt, probably its best to conduct some market research with a touch of branding creativity. Time to go bananas over brand differentiation.

Please leave your comments, if any.


Enrico Varella said...

This is a good piece by Rosabeth Moss Kanter for her take on successful innovative products:

Lim Leong, Reeves said...

Thanks for that EV. Excellent article. I will pass these around.