We need to deliver fast, make customers happy FAST. Act fast, think fast and reward ourselves even faster. We are trained to think of the goal or gratification and not think about the process of getting there. The process is the 'dirty word'; long, arduous journey that might take a little longer than a minute to fulfill your goal. Add on the ups and downs in the process, some might not even take the first step at all! They enjoyed the idea of the goal and not the process. They want something instant and fast. Instant gratification at its best.
Today, Dr AR Bernard came and shared about processes, goals and getting to it. Each level of upgrade in our life goals is a series of stages and processes. We need to get through a stage before we get to a new level. A stage that is to be completed only through a process of grinding and moulding. Only through this, we get to ascend to the next level of higher attainment in skills and personal development.
I can relate this immediately to the way consumers today focus only on the end results and not wanting to know how to get there. They are 'sold' based on the end. Dr Bernard quoted an example of the abs machine seen on the shopping channel. The abs on the well toned man is the goal. The abs machine (you are paying for) became secondary because you are fixated about the end goal or result. You want to look good like him. Period.
Can we wait a minute longer to think about the process instead of jumping in on the goal? What about these?
1) Think about the purpose of volunteering before you sign up to give time and money to a cause?
2) Think about how you are able to make a comeback from failures before you start your own business?
3) Think about the training you need to go through before thinking of the Marathon or Ironman Finisher medal around your neck.
Delaying gratification or waiting a minute longer before you leech your eyes on the goal. Being goal oriented does not mean you forsake the process. Consumers stay with brands who are willing to take them from A to Z in a process or journey. Returning profitable customers are the ones who grow with your brand through a process and a goal in mind. Do this today, wait a minute longer to think about the process first before you fix on the end goal. It might save you alot of minutes in the long run.
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