Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Overlooked brand touchpoints

Brand touchpoints are the spoke persons for your brand. They are like the models on a catwalk that show off what you stand for as a brand or designer. You are at the back stage feeling nervous. You should be.

Consumer tribes are increasingly nit picky about what they see and experience from brands. Every single piece of news, blog, ads, voice and presentation you gave, they scrutinize and comment. Lets take an example of something functional which brands overlooked.

'Functional' touch points like ticket stubs or airline tickets get you past that door and to your seats. There is usually little innovation or attention being paid to them. Here is an attempt to change an airline boarding pass to an experience. Do airline passengers keep their boarding passes? Yes, if they want to retain fond memories of that flight or journey. Certain airlines gives discount to tourists if they keep their stubs, ugly stubs.

The good news is, they take note if you do something remarkable about these touch points. The bad news is, being remarkable takes more than merely good design. Its about designing experiences.

Image taken from Tyler N Thompson website.

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