Monday, 21 December 2009

Happiness (x) & Pleasure (y)

x is different from y. I labeled them clearly.

Happiness(x) is an inward state of mind. You seek happiness by doing things that make you happy. Having happy surroundings, happy people, happy things and hopefully we get to be happy? Not really. You can have all the right 'ingredients' for happiness and yet you may not feel happy at all. It has to come honestly inward. Someone in a super fun Christmas party may be feeling very unhappy inside and tries very hard to feel otherwise. You cannot feel happy and sad at the same time. Happiness is ultimately an inward process which you seek to attain. What makes someone happy differs from people to people.

What about pleasure(y)?

Pleasure is transient and it does not equate to happiness. Pleasure is an event not a process. Humans get bored easily over events therefore they don't really last. Good food, nice looking companions, nice clothes, cigarettes and sex. These are fleeting, pleasurable things. Is your happiness defined as a series of pleasures?

Christopher Gardner (Will Smith) in the movie "Pursuit of Happyness" defines happiness as not being poor? Money is the idol here, not happiness. I say his love for his son is the real happyness.

Are the brands you surround yourself gives you pleasure or contribute towards happiness?

Christmas is 4 days away. Festive shopping is at its peak now. I hope the gifts or brands you choose are all conduits of happiness and not momentary pleasure.

Happy Christmas.

Please leave your comments, if any. Movie Poster taken from IMBD

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