Thursday, 24 December 2009

Prototype is the new 'try'

Prototyping is a launch and learn technique. Business in Beta talks about this. Essentially, we want to learn from a series of prototypes in order to get closer to the desired solution. Here is my story for the local bus company for a better service experience.

The X'mas mood is on full swing and shoppers can't wait to give and receive presents. Me too. Taking public transport is a wise thing to do. Problem is, alot of us share the same thoughts. I took a snapshot of the Bugis bus stop where I missed my bus. Heres how my bus can go right past me when it is just 2 meters away from me.

I cannot see which is my bus when they all arrived and lined up this way like train carriages!

The only clue to me is there are about 3 buses lined up with their side mirrors hanging out. How do we try solve this?

Can we put in bus numbers on side mirrors? Lets prototype this.

Install a series of energy saving LEDs that works on all AM/PM conditions (Thank you Audi) at back of these mirrors. One look and you can tell bus 33 is here even when the buses are lined up. It also makes it more prominent to guard against accidents.

This idea can be brillant, stupid, mediocre or plain dumb. Thats not the point. The point is that the journey of uncovering great brand experience or service is foremost recognizing the problem. Then learn through a series of trials and errors. Adopt fail forward attitude that works to find the best solutions through a series of  failed prototypes that gets us closer to the final solution. Each prototype is a step closer to that great idea.

When will you finally get a great idea to make tons of money?Only when you waited long enough for people (your customers) to accept or reject it and tell you about it (did you even bother to ask?). Finding out the whys and iterate your prototype from your previous experiences.

Make prototyping your new try.

Please leave your comments, if any.

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